231. Negotiating Prices

at">style="color:red">At the Market:

Alex: Excuse me, how much is this shirt?

Shopkeeper: That shirt is $30.

Alex: Hmm, that's a bit more than I was hoping to spend. Would you consider lowering the price?

Shopkeeper: Well, how about $25?

Alex: Could you do $20?

Shopkeeper: I'm sorry, but $25 is the lowest I can go.

Alex: Alright, I understand. I'll take it for $25 then.

Shopkeeper: Great! Thank you for your business.

at">style="color:red">At the Electronics Store:

Emily: Hi, I'm interested in this camera. How much does it cost?

Salesperson: That camera is $200.

Emily: Hmm, I was hoping to find something a bit cheaper. Is there any discount available?

Salesperson: Well, this is already discounted from its original price. But for you, I can offer it at $180.

Emily: That's still a bit high for my budget. Can you do $160?

Salesperson: Let me check with my manager. Okay, we can do $160 for you.

Emily: Perfect, thank you so much!

Salesperson: You're welcome! Enjoy your new camera.

at">style="color:red">At the Street Market:

Jack: Hello, I'm interested in these handmade earrings. How much are they?

Vendor: Those earrings are $15.

Jack: $15 seems a bit steep for earrings. Can you give me a discount if I buy two pairs?

Vendor: Sure, I can give you two pairs for $25.

Jack: How about $20 for both?

Vendor: Hmm, okay, $20 it is for both pairs.

Jack: Great, thank you!

Vendor: No problem, thank you for shopping with us!