419. Passive Income Streams

Emily: Hey Alex, have you ever thought about passive income streams?

Alex: Not really, Emily. What's that about?

Emily: Well, passive income is money you earn without actively working for it. It's like having your money work for you.

Alex: That sounds interesting. How does it work?

Emily: There are different sources, like rental properties or dividends from stocks. You invest your money in these assets, and they generate income for you over time.

Alex: Ah, I see. So, instead of just relying on a paycheck from a job, you're creating other sources of income.

Emily: Exactly! It's all about building financial independence. With passive income streams, you're not trading your time for money; you're building wealth that can support you even when you're not actively working.

Alex: That sounds like a smart way to secure your financial future. I should definitely look into it more.

Emily: Definitely! It's never too early to start thinking about financial independence and creating passive income streams can be a key part of that journey.

Alex: Thanks for explaining, Emily. I'll definitely do some research on this.